A Phone call from your Liver!

A Phone call from your Liver!

Thanks for picking up my call and listening to me. Oh, you may at times be concerned about your heart or lungs, but rarely think about me—your liver. You may have very little idea of what I do. Did you know if I were to stop functioning you would be dead in less than 24 hours? Do you want to know about me let me tell you about myself.

Where I Residence

I am the largest organ in the body, weighing from 3 to 4 pounds, many people don’t know where to find me. I am situated in the upper right part of your abdomen. In males, my upper part reaches halfway up the chest, and I extend all the way down to the lower edge of the ribs. A doctor may have palpated the right lower edge of your rib cage with the tips of his fingers. He was probably feeling for me.

My Key jobs

I am keenly interested in your food. The nutrients from the food you consume move from your stomach into your intestines, where they undergo further digestion and are absorbed into the bloodstream. I, located in the abdominal cavity, play a crucial role in processing nutrients from the food you consume. And since the portal vein flows into me, I can monitor all these materials, converting them into a form usable by the cells of the body.

I also protect you from other toxic elements, such as caffeine and various drugs. If you were to inject such substances into the blood vessel that leads to the heart, you might be dead in minutes. As these substances must initially traverse through me, I am equipped to protect you.

Do you know, ammonia is constantly being formed as your body cells burn protein. The ammonia is absorbed into the portal bloodstream and comes to me. If it were allowed to accumulate in your body, you would die. But I take good care of you. I convert ammonia into urea and send it to the kidneys for removal.

Additionally, I maintain the right balance of hormones in your system. An excess of hormones produced by your thyroid gland can could harm your health.. I destroy the dangerous excess.

You can keep me healthy.

It distresses me when I look around and see how so many people are abused by their own Livers. This disease is called cirrhosis, Overindulgence in alcohol is a principal factor.  When an individual regularly consumes excessive amounts of alcohol, their liver becomes overwhelmed and unable to cope with the continuous intake.  It breaks down, becoming shrunken, hard, and knobby. the mindful while you are consuming alcohol.

I need your assistance to keep me healthy, and to keep you healthy. My primary need is a well-balanced diet filled with nutritious foods. This involves consuming foods rich in fundamental nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Especially, I benefit from proteins that are complete with all the necessary amino acids in the correct balance.

Do you want to be healthy? Then remember that I am one of your best protections against disease. Look after me, and I’ll look after you.


What causes liver disease?

There are many causes, such as drug and alcohol abuse, viruses, hereditary defects, reactions to drugs and chemicals, and hygiene to name a few.

How many people suffer from chronic liver disease?

As per data from the American Liver Foundation, liver disease is believed to impact approximately 30 to 50 million individuals in the United States, which is equivalent to over 10% of the U.S. population. On a global scale, liver disease affects an estimated 500 million people.

Can liver damage be reversed?

The liver possesses a unique regenerative capacity among the body’s organs. While most organs respond to damage by forming scar tissue, the liver can replace damaged tissue with new cells. Nevertheless, in cases of chronic liver disease, complications can arise when this regenerative process is hindered either by incomplete regeneration or the ongoing assault of the liver by harmful agents like viruses, drugs, or alcohol. This persistent damage can lead to the development of extensive scar tissue within the liver, a condition known as cirrhosis.

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