Do the Shoes you wear affect your health?

Does it matter which shoes you wear or which size? A person may walk over 75,000 miles in a lifetime. Why not walk those miles in comfort?

Answering these questions thoughtfully is vital because buying a new pair of shoes can significantly impact a person’s overall health and well-being. In the United States only, back pain stands as one of the leading causes for individuals seeking medical attention from their primary care physicians.

Our spine health is under continuous influence, whether it’s from maintaining poor posture, viewing phone screens, uncomfortable sleeping positions, or even our choice of footwear. Selecting shoes that have an adverse impact on spinal health can result in muscular issues, leading to soreness and stiffness, and potentially causing shifts in spinal alignment.

To be happy, it first takes being comfortable being in your own shoes.
Are you sacrificing comfort for style?

Frequently, individuals prioritize style over comfort when choosing shoes, but this decision frequently leads to notable discomfort. As a consequence, many individuals eventually part with these shoes, being no longer able to bear this form of self-torture in the interest of fashion style.

So, in buying shoes, do not sacrifice comfort for style. Select appropriate shoes for ‘the purpose for which they will be used: walking, working, casual, special occasions, or constant wear.

Certain shoes may also affect the arch of your foot or the tightness of your calf muscle, which can lead to leg and foot pain alongside back pain. Four of the most problematic shoes are:

  • High heels
  • Flats with little to no arch support
  • Thin flip-flops with no cushion
  • Old or poorly fitted shoes.
Is it the Right Fit?

Even when purchasing or buying high-quality shoes, it’s essential to exercise caution and ensure a proper fit to prevent the possibility of experiencing discomfort or pain in your feet.

Helpful in this regard is checking the time of day before you buy a pair of shoes. Why? Because if it is very early in the morning, you may not get the right fit. Since feet tend to swell somewhat as the day wears on, it is wise to buy shoes in the late afternoon. Don’t forget that warm weather can lead to your feet expanding.

Many persons find it desirable to have their feet measured when purchasing new shoes. For one thing, sizes may vary with different makes of shoes.

Others have discovered the wisdom of standing while having their feet measured. The foot will expand, and one is more likely to get a better all-round fit. Further, since one foot is likely to be slightly larger than the other, have both feet measured and pick a size to fit the larger foot.

Heels should be snug but not tight. Also the height and shape of the heel need to be considered, especially in women’s shoes. Women generally have four times as much foot trouble as men, largely because of high-heeled shoes. The higher the heel, the more the body is projected forward, and to maintain balance the body is bent backward at the hips.

If you wear high heels over an extended period this will surely result in leg and back problems. Heels should not be higher than one and a half inches and should produce a good broad base on which to stand.

Footwear with nearly nail-like or commonly referred to as “spike” heels is not conducive to promoting proper foot care and posture. Once buying a pair of shoes, you can test them again at home, but limit walking only on a rug. If you have doubts about the fit, you may be able to exchange your purchase.

Quality and Workmanship

Quality and excellent workmanship are especially critical when it comes to adult footwear since you expect them to have a longer lifespan. Take a thorough look at the shoes you intend to purchase, keeping a keen eye out for any indications of subpar and hasty craftsmanship.

Inexpensive or low-priced footwear doesn’t necessarily guarantee a good deal when considering longevity, aesthetics, and comfort. Really comfortable shoes usually cost more. Do not judge the durability of a shoe by the mere thickness of the outer soles. Durability depends more on the quality of workmanship and of leather.


The shoes you wear have a great effect on your health and your enjoyment of life. Therefore, you are wise if you choose your footwear carefully, avoiding the excesses of fashion, and keeping in mind the need for comfort, durability, and a pleasing appearance.

Taking care of  your spinal health doesn’t necessitate wearing unattractive, comfortable shoes all the time. Instead, consider swapping your stylish footwear for more supportive options a few times a week to provide your spine with some relief from strain.

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